Class Project! Help Quick!

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Thank you Sceadwian Sir
I'm very grateful for your time and advice

Hi all,

Sorry, didn't mean to just drop out like that. It was my son's 2nd birthday on the weekend and then it seemed like things were going fine on the thread.

How did the project go?

Better quality RF SWR test meters use a Zero Crossing Detector. Currently I can't think of a specific brand to suggest as reference, but I do know that they are expensive.
Better quality RF SWR test meters use a Zero Crossing Detector.

Please explain

There may be some technique that I dont know about, but in many years I have never seen a zerocrossing detector used in VSWR measurement.

Dear All,

My project report was appreciated in class I got appreciated for my neat presentation too
The sad part is now my teacher thinks I can do a lot more and so I need to do projects on more topics Well not all that sad though.. I'm loving it...
I just love this site
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Congratulations! That's the problem with doing good work: people start expecting it of you.

I'm glad you're enjoying it. This really is fun stuff, and the more you learn, the more you start to think "Hmm. . .I wonder if I could make something that would do this. . ." and then you do it and after a while it works and you feel great.

Good luck!

Do your best, but don't burn out either! If it starts getting to you, make sure you take a break and do something fun just for funs sake that isn't electronics =)
Haha! Thats exactly what happened to me yesterday night! I tried to do a lot of research on 555 timers till my eyes went all red!!! Now that I've woken up I dont think I know much about 555 timers So I need to do it all over again
ok I cant attach files or use the symbols or the different fonts etc... Did I miss out on something? Also I need to type characters for smilies. Does everyone do the same? How to insert the symbols etc?
ok Now I wanted to know if the block diagram I've drawn, works in the way I think it does.
I want to calculate V1 raised to V2 using log and antilog amplifiers.
I've attached the file.

Oh and I still dont know how to insert symbols...


  • Doc1.doc
    45 KB · Views: 144
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Ayask, next to the Post Quick Reply button is a button that says "Go Advanced" that will give you more options for your posting.

Yeah, red eye marathon cram sessions don't work. Make sure you eat well, get plenty of rest and avoid stimulants, the brain can't learn anything if it's stressed. Take frequent breaks while you're reading to do simple stretches and rest your eyes. It's a good idea if you have a window nearby to look out of it frequently at a distance object, this exercises your eyes and helps reduce eye strain from staying focused on a PC monitor for long periods of time. I spend many hours reading and looking stuff up on the Internet, physical comfort is of paramount importance to information retention.
I mean you already know you can read for hours and wake up the next day and not remember a damn thing =)
i tried with the "go advaced". But all the options kind off look disabled [I had to type : ( without spaces to generate the smiley]

I cant type text in bold or italics.
I cant click on any of the options... Nothing happens if I click on the symbols on the right.

Please dont tell me y operating system doesn't support it. I use Windows 2000

Oh and thanks for the tips Sceadwian Sir
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Ayask SC is very helpful. You many continue asking any queries regarding your class project. He's so happy to help you.btw, nobody here uses win2000 i think. please upgrade to much better Windows-Xp and feel the new experience. You may try to find some options on your CP for enabling rich text mode for vBulletin.
I have no trouble with the advanced options so I'm not sure what the trouble you're having is. Log out clear your cookies and log back in, if it's still occuring send Electro Master a message.
007 the OS she is using is completely irrelevant, Ayask see's the same thing and has the same options you do. PHPboard use a tag system very similar to HTML to do highlighting and colour changes. It interprets those tags and inserts the images or changes the color as appropriate.

As Ayaska was saying, yes back to the block diagram =) Using word to write schematics (even simple ones) is not really a good idea.

I'm still trying to find a decent graphic only schematic drawing program but other users here should be able to recommend something that will have all the symbols you need.

I have used LTSpice to draw some schematics, but it's a simulation software really not meant for just quick throw some pictures together stuff. Still it should have most of the common electrical symbols you need, and you can freehand draw lines and make custom symbols if you wish. It's good for simulation electronics circuits as well, much better than using pen and paper to calculate things sometimes, and lets you test the functionality of many types of circuits.

It can be downloaded Linear Technology - LTspice IV Downloads and Updates here for free.
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hi Ayaska,
Adding to Sceadwian's good advice regarding LTSpice, there is also a free download from 'expresspcb'.

It includes a schematic drawing program and a pcb layout program.

Google for: expresspcb
Oh yeah, Eagle might work too. It has an extensive parts library.

Here's some links
**broken link removed**
Ayask, happy to hear that you are no.1 in your class. We are awaiting for your post regarding the exclusive final year project..
Thank you so much!
I've installed LT Spice IV. I'll have to learn to use it. Seems simple
I may also download ExpressSCH
Thanks again!
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