Climbing a 1750+ foot transmitter tower video!

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Check this out if you are not squeamish about heights that is.

The helmet mounted camera looks down a lot too!

**broken link removed**
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I start getting the trembles about 15ft up a ladder. I may be ok climbing inside something like that, although not too high, but......
When he got outside the tower, grabbed a rung and lifted his toolbag up, that was enough for me.

Cluck, cluck.
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I can not open the link for somehow. All I get is a small box with a pic in it.
I am so amazed you're aloud to climb it without some always attached safety thing..

That storm looked close too!

Great video!
I got dizzy just watching the video, you would have to pay me a lot to climb that thing. The tower is about the same height as the new Freedom tower in NYC, 1776 feet. Zowie
It has always fascinated me how some people cant handle heights and other can. Some years ago I worked at a sign company as a technician and my work partner was a honest to god pot head at minimum.

If that wasn't bad enough the company I worked for was complete cheap asses and our boom trucks where about 20+ years past obsolete. The controls for everything where on the truck and the person who was in the basket was at the total mercy of the ground operator. After about the tenth wild ride at 80+ feet up in the basket from my half fried coworker I rather got used to heights. Since then I have yet to find a hight that really scared me beyond being able to handle it.
I guess getting slammed into everything from 120 to 480 volt supply lines up to 10 - 15 KV live neon 80+ feet off the ground enough times and surviving takes the fear out of you real well.

I for one would climb the tower in the video without too much hesitation and I would definitely have a camera with me to prove I did it too!

BTW my trick to dealing with heights is to imagine I have a bubble around me and that bubble is on the ground so anything below my feet is of no importance while I am working in the bubble. Believe me it works!
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I go my picture in the newspaper sitting cross legged on top a radio tower I built. It was only 1/4 that tall. No safety harness. I can not do that now days!
A long time ago when I was a teenager, I worked for a two why radio communicashoin company. I was their towr man. Putting up 200 foot Rome towers was scary untill we got the guide wires on and it stoped swaying. It would sway a good 5 to 10 feet around without the guide wires.
The tallest building I've been up is this one :

I ended up walking up the stairs with my mum as she was 9 months pregnant with my little sister at the time !

Ironically if you look at the photo on the above link, my sister moved into one of the houses in the picture. She hated it as she was convinced the tower was going to fall on her in the night lol.
It has always fascinated me how some people cant handle heights and other can.

I had no worries about heights when I was a kid. I was always the one at the top of the tree, swaying around clutching the skinniest of branches.

Now, much later on in life, I am surprised at how much I got away with taking risks as a kid.
Now, much later on in life, I am surprised at how much I got away with taking risks as a kid.

Tell me about it!

I'd be horrifed if my daughter did the stupid things we did as kids?

For an example, we used to climb here from about five years old! - EEK!!

Incidently, for those who've seen the excellent film "The Princess Bride", some of it was filmed around there, including the starting sequence on the farm.


Following on from that, this next picture (from the same site, standing at the top of the previous picture) shows the barn from the farm sequence (near the top, just below the trees), the thatched cottage was to the left of the barn, and was made of fibreglass - and was left there for a good few years afterwards.
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The neighbor used to have a small boy still in diapers. He used to climb a tree in the front yard.

I still have trouble crossing Railroad trestles. The steam train only runs on weekends an holidays. It's an attraction and as about a 20 mile track.
It might operate with dinner or a "train robbery".

I nicknamed him "Diaperman"
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We had a school trip over your way, if memory serves me correctly....I think Mam Tor was one of the places we visited.

It was a great few days, packed full of activities - rock climbing & abseiling, canoeing, orienteering, potholing and let's not forget the camping in a farmer's field, in crap tents which leaked like a sieve, cold showers & teachers checking the tents regularly (mixed sex trip).

I shared a tent with a classmate and we hooked up with a girl each from the trip, both of whom stayed in our tent. Nothing happened though, for two reasons:
We were all too scared of getting caught.
If anyone even coughed in the night, there was a flashlight at the tent door within ten seconds.

I bet the teachers couldn't wait to get home for a good night's sleep...
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I am petrified of heights. The video scared the crap out of me.

Offer me a gazillion bucks and I would still not consider climbing that tower.

Flying in a plane does not bother me though........Weird huh??

TV Tech
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We had a school trip over your way, if memory serves me correctly....I think Mam Tor was one of the places we visited.

Mam Tor is at Castleton, it means "shivering mountain" - not too far away from where I used to live (at Birchover), and not that far from where I live now either - less than many common commutes anyway.
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