Clock Project Idea

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New Member
I'm brainstorming some ideas for my logic class project and I really want to do a clock but I'm not sure if I can get it done in time with what I know now. We just learned about the 74193 counter today and I was trying to figure out how I can use it as a counter to go through the seconds/minutes/hours (12-hours). Instead of a 7-segment display, I was going to try to do something like a TIX-LED Clock, where it just displays the number of LEDs that corresponds to the time.

Also, I won't have to physically build the circuit nor simulate it for the project, just turn in a detailed project report (that I can't see being very good if you have no idea if your circuit actually works because you didn't at least simulate it), but I was planning on trying to build the clock over my winter break anyways.

In a nutshell, I haven't really got an understanding on how the 74193 counter works.

This idea isn't set in stone either. I have a few other, more simple, ideas floating around in my head so if I can't get the basics of this down by the end of the week, I will most likely go with another idea.

Thanks in advance for your inputs!
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