code help?

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my hardware is :
sensor(LM35)>external ADC(0808)>pic(16f877a)>pc

i do not know how to start the pic program, can any one guide me...
Do you need to use the external ADC? The PIC you have chosen has a built-in 10 bit converter which seems better than an ADC0808. Both are 8-channel.

is excellent and covers how to do this with the 877.
my hardware is :
sensor(LM35)>external ADC(0808)>pic(16f877a)>pc

i do not know how to start the pic program, can any one guide me...

You need to understand how to do each line of the following. Start with the datasheets. If you are using a compiler read the manual that talks about the libraries you will be using.
   setup PIC IO ports
   setup ADC
   setup UART
   read ADC
   calculate temperature based on above reading
   fomat string with temperature data
   output string to UART
   goto LOOP
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Do you need to use the external ADC? The PIC you have chosen has a built-in 10 bit converter which seems better than an ADC0808. Both are 8-channel.

It's presumably a school assignment, it looks like India (which I'm guessing is the area where he's from?) is trying to move a bit more modern, but have simply crossed out the antique processor in the old question, and replaced it with PIC.

He's the second one with such a silly request.
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