CodeBugs for teaching kids

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Greetings, my wife is a grade K teacher, I think that is age 4-5 kids. My wife is real big on this STEM program, It has to do with science, technology and engineering. She especially like to challenge the kids with solving problems. Well she asked me to find some things she could use and present to the kids, and also something that can challenge the kids. I came across these codebugs but I wonder if they are to advanced for these kids. Has anyone any experience with these and what would you say their usefulness would be for teaching?

I am also open to any other cool project ideas for kids that pertain to the STEM theme. I really don't want to build anything, rather purchase a kit or similar.

This could be a great question to ask at the EEVblog. The blogger, Dave Jones, frequently talks about educating kids and how to get kids interested in technology, electronics etc. He also has a ~4 year old kid. He might even help you to get stuff through sponsors.
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