CODING: 3 digits me 'fix'it

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New Member
hi! can someone help me... i want to display the heart beat on 7 segment display using PIC 16F877..the counter will reset every 60 seconds. and if the counts exceed for example 80, the alam will on... each 7segment display from 0 to 9

my question are:
1)I hv problem on how to display 3 digits..unit -->tens-->hundreds ( my display part)

2) as u can see, i can't organize my coding very well... i dun really understand the c -code format. i dun know how to call my display into my main program..i try but..
in other word, i dun know how to write to make my programmes flow correctly.

3) to detect my sensor :
if (PORTA.F4 ==1) // connect port A to sensor
counter =0;
while (1) {
// then i dun know how to 'connect' this part with my display part and my main part

3) i set the timer to reset the counter every 60 seconds, but my lec ask me to just count for 15 seconds and then multiply it by can i change my programmes

**i already defined all the 7segment interface**

void main(void){

TRISA=0xFF;  // PORT A as input
TRISB=0;      // PORT B  and PORT D as output
TMR1H= 0xFB;
TMR1L= 0x1D;
TICON =0b00101001   //enable Timer 1
PIR1.TMR1IF=0;         // Clear timer 1 interrupt flag
PIE1.TMR1IE=1;         // Enable timer 1 interrupt
INTCON.GIE=1;         //Enable peripheril interrupt

//for display part

void display() {
  if (counter<10); 
                    case0 ; 
                    display_port = 0b00000011;
                    display_port = 0b10011111;
                     .// till case9

void interrupt() {
                TMR1H= 0xFB;
                TMR1L= 0x1D;


void alarm() {
 if (counter >80);
  PORTD.F2 = 1;
  PORTD.F2 = 0;

maybe someone can post any site that can help me with this..example..anything..i look at quite no. of examples, but still dun fully, i start by doing it part by part.. i'm sorry if this probs only a 'small' prob for u guys...but i already make some effort to do it myself....but still can;t do it correctly... sorry for my eng...
Your code makes no sense.

You have,
  if (counter<10);
This line does nothing as the semi colon terminates the statement. It is more normal to do something like,
  if (counter<10){
        code to be executed;

You then have case statements without a select statement and your function display never gets called.

This code can't compile without errors. You need to study your notes more.

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