Coding help for MAX232.

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Hi. I need a MAX232 to be between the BASIC Stamp and {GSM modem and CPS receiver}. How do I go about coding using the Parallax BASIC language?

I don fully understand how it looks like or works? I havent got my MAX232 yet. Since it will need 2 serial ports, It must be rather big like the BASIC Stamp2p.
Do i have to worry abt PIN assignments? Or any underlying hardwares which I have to be aware abt before I actually touch the Chip itself?

Hi. Yes. I have got MAX238CNG. its quad... What are the usage of capacitors and resistors in it? i have seen the MAX chip. I don understand how it will become 2 serial ports? I will need to make 2 serial port inputs.
As I said, the MAXIM series of chips are merely signal level convertors. It converts between the 0V/+5V (used by microcontrollers) to -10V/+10V (used by the PC). The wiring circuit is shown in the datasheet pg 25. The caps are used to stabilise the voltage, typical of all DC-DC convertors. No resistors are required. You can ignore all circuit symbols within the boundaries of the chip.
In order to realise serial communication, you need a UART. It can be either software-based or hardware UARTs. Most microcontrollers come with integrated UARTs. Check your BASIC STAMP package documentation to see if it comes with one, or does it tout serial communication capability.
The MAX232 is just a 5V to +/-10V, and +/-10V to 5V converter, it includes two of each - it's not a serial port. The serial port is generated in the PIC, I don't know if STAMP Basic will let you set up more than one or not, but's it's trivial to do in assembler.

Check my PIC tutorials for details on serial using PIC's, you could either use two software UARTS, or one software UART and one hardware USART, presuming you use a PIC with a hardware USART.
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