college problem XD

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New Member
i have a prob with a college project i hope one of u can help me with it its related to microprocessors

i need to connect two 8086 mircop ( master slave connection)
using two 8255(PPI), i need to use mode 2 couz i want the connection to be bidirectional. i connect the porta A of the first 8255 with that of the second one. and the first port C to the first microp,
the second portC to the second microp.
im using MTS86 kit ( here is a pic **broken link removed** )
in the end i just want to turn on leds of the second kit using the first microprocessor and vice versa

the prog below is for turning on leds for a single microp/sing kit
so what do i have to change for the master slave connection?
and to what else do i have pay attention?do i have to change the whole prog or just the controll word and the port adresses?

cnt3 equ 3fd6H
porta equ 3fd0H
portb equ 3fd2H
code segment
asumme cs:code, ds:code
org 0H
main: mov sp,4000h
mov al,90h
mov dx.cnt3
out dx,al
j1: mov dx, portb
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al
call delay
mov al,00h
out dx,al
call delay
jmp j1
delay: mov cx,0ffffh
loop $
code ends
end main

if u need more information 2 help me just ask ^^
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