Color IC sockets, are they available?

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I have seen the occasional coloured sockets over the years, but I don't recall ever seeing them for sale? - mind you, I've never looked!.
I found a few light green ones in a bag of mixed sockets that I got a few years ago. I don't know where they can be bought from but if you search, they must be available.


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I have blue and black sockets for ICs. and white sockets for transistors. They're from surplus boards.
Has anyone seen IC sockets in other colors aside from black?

Yes, I can get here white, blue, transparent, but the problem is, they are rarely available as the store where I get elco eq. order them in very small amounts as they sell slow. The problem is they are very very low quality sockets, the 40pin transparent one I got few months ago had hard time getting into the board (the pin distance was little off) and after one "put in / take out" next time I put IC to the socket I had loose connection. Not to mention that 250C for less then a sec melted the plastic around the pin

(I saw a green one on the picture in post above but never in person)
btw, if you look at the picture from the first post, can someone enlighten me why are the IC sockets like ones in the middle (circle whole for the IC pin) 10x more expensive (and called "quality socket") then the ones that look like those on the right (two metal strips between pin from the IC slip in)... from all my (not big) knowledge of mechanic, the second ones (the cheep ones) should provide better contact ?! (yes the round ones have "sturdier" pin's but .. again .. I do not get it...)
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The flat contacts actually spread the contact pressure over a larger area and don't make as good a connection. In some socket brands, half of the IC's pin area is wasted because it's against plastic and not metal. In addition, the flat contacts sometimes get caught on the chip's leads, and bend backwards when removing the chip.
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