Combining 3 car autonaters's

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Well it's not going to work and it doesn't matter how you dress it up. You can't get more out of anything than you put in.

Have you tried Free Energy they have all sorts of pointless threads about more out than in.

Here's some of the math involved in motors and power.

PS don't believe anything you read at the overunity site. It's all smoke and mirrors, snakeoil & scammers.
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I can't believe this has gone on this long----although it is good for a laugh--

1. plonkers
A game similar to conkers that involves two men and their genitalia. Each man takes it in turn to whack the opponents balls with their penis. The receiver must ensure that their penis is held firmly up and out of the firing line so as not to interfear with a clean whack. This is repeated until the lesser man concedes defeat and the dispute is settled.
"Man i think your girlfriends hot; I'll give you a game of plonkers for her"
Is this the same plonkers you are referring to?
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> if I'm generating 5000w and my motor only requires 360 W

If you feed 360W (electrical) to a 360W motor you'll get maybe 320W mechanical power on the shaft, if you connect it to an alternator then you'll get something like 280W electrical output.

OK : you are a noob about science, no problem XD

If your alternator has a "5000W" plate on it, that only means its maximum power output (above that it would burn for instance); but you need to provide mechanical power to turn the shaft.

Concrete example :

- energy needed to lift an elevator 5 stories = 15 meters * 500kg * g (9.8) = 73500 joules
- mechanical power needed if it takes 15 seconds = energy / time = 73500 / 15 seconds = 4.9 kW
Here is the problem as simple as I can explain it.

To get 5000 watts of usable electrical power out of the alternators they will take roughly 5000 / .90 = 5555 watts of mechanical input power assuming they are 90% efficient at full load.

Next that 5555 watts of mechanical input power has to come from a motor that will likely be at best 90% efficient as well. So once again you have 5555 / .9 = 6173 watts or about 17.5 times more power than what your 360 watt motor can produce.

In horsepower terms thats where the original estimate of 8 - 10 Horsepower came from I mentioned earlier. One horsepower is 746 watts so 5555 /746 = 7.44 Horsepower.

Given that internal combustion engines don't like being ran at full load a overhead reserve is added so the best choice is to use a slightly larger engine if the peak loads will be for long periods of time.

Thats the math and basic physics behind your power dilemma being that in this reality we all live in, like it or not, 360 is not greater than 6173 and never will be.

Regards, a somewhat educated plonkering muppet.

(And yes I did use 'plonkering' in a conversation once already today.)
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