Common base amplifiers and oscillators.
Inspired by another thread here on ETO I thought that I would do some experimenting.
I built a common base amplifier circuit as shown in the attachments.
I based the amplifier circuit on one which had been the subject of much discussion recently here on ETO.
To make the measurements easier and well within the limits of my test equipment and very simple construction I decided that the amplifier should work at 10Mhz rather than VHF.
I designed the tuned circuit in the transistor collector circuit for a resonant frequency of about
10Mhz with inductive and capacitive reactances (Xl and Xc) equal to 140 Ohms.
This would require an inductance of 2.2uH and a capacitance of 114pF.
I used components which I had on hand, a 100pF capacitor and a coil with 17 turns on a 0.4 inch diameter former. Tests on the coil-capacitor showed a resonance at 9.76Mhz.
Sweeping the signal generator either side of resonance, the -3dB points were at 9.46 and 10.06 Mhz.
This gives a 3dB bandwidth of 0.55 Mhz, which corresponds to a Q of 17,7, not a particularly good tuned circuit, but good enough for the purpose of this experiment.
I built the circuit on a piece of plain copper clad board which is mounted in a test jig which I use for tests and experiments like this. See the attached photographs.
I used a supply of 10 volts and the current taken was 9.1 mA.
Injecting a signal at the emitter of the transistor and examining the voltage at the collector using an oscilloscope with a x10 probe to minimise the circuit loading, the gain of the amplifier peaked at 9.52Mhz.
Sweeping the signal generator either side of resonance, the -3dB points were at 8.28 and 11.01 Mhz.
This gives a 3dB bandwidth of 2.73Mhz, which corresponds to a Q of 3.54, the tuned circuit is obviously heavily loaded by the transistor.
Measuring input and output signal voltages using an oscilloscope, the gain of the circuit was calculated to be 34.
The input impedance of the amplifier appeared to be quite low as predicted by the standard textbooks on common base amplifiers.
During the gain tests, the output of the signal generator was loaded down quite heavily by the amplifier input.
Further measurements showed that the input impedance of the amplifier was around 5.8 Ohms.
In order to turn the amplifier into an oscillator, a feedback capacitor was added from the collector to the emitter.
In a common base amplifier, the output and input are in-phase so we just need to add some feedback to make it oscillate.
Using different values of feedback capacitor gave the results shown below:
So what can be learned from this?
The value of the feedback capacitor affects both the frequency and the amplitude of the oscillation.
With a lower value of feedback capacitor, the signal at the collector is a cleaner sinewave with less distortion, but loading the oscillator will kill the oscillation.
When the oscillator is oscillating, the collector current will change.
For someone will little test equipment, this can be a good indication that the oscillator is working.
Short circuit the coil and watch the collector current change, now you have a good idea that it is oscillating you can go hunting to find the frequency using a receiver.
A transmitter built using this circuit will be very susceptible to the poorly defined load (antenna wire) connected to the collector.

Edited on 12/9/14 to restore the pictures lost in a server crash at ETO some time ago. JimB
Inspired by another thread here on ETO I thought that I would do some experimenting.
I built a common base amplifier circuit as shown in the attachments.
I based the amplifier circuit on one which had been the subject of much discussion recently here on ETO.
To make the measurements easier and well within the limits of my test equipment and very simple construction I decided that the amplifier should work at 10Mhz rather than VHF.
I designed the tuned circuit in the transistor collector circuit for a resonant frequency of about
10Mhz with inductive and capacitive reactances (Xl and Xc) equal to 140 Ohms.
This would require an inductance of 2.2uH and a capacitance of 114pF.
I used components which I had on hand, a 100pF capacitor and a coil with 17 turns on a 0.4 inch diameter former. Tests on the coil-capacitor showed a resonance at 9.76Mhz.
Sweeping the signal generator either side of resonance, the -3dB points were at 9.46 and 10.06 Mhz.
This gives a 3dB bandwidth of 0.55 Mhz, which corresponds to a Q of 17,7, not a particularly good tuned circuit, but good enough for the purpose of this experiment.
I built the circuit on a piece of plain copper clad board which is mounted in a test jig which I use for tests and experiments like this. See the attached photographs.
I used a supply of 10 volts and the current taken was 9.1 mA.
Injecting a signal at the emitter of the transistor and examining the voltage at the collector using an oscilloscope with a x10 probe to minimise the circuit loading, the gain of the amplifier peaked at 9.52Mhz.
Sweeping the signal generator either side of resonance, the -3dB points were at 8.28 and 11.01 Mhz.
This gives a 3dB bandwidth of 2.73Mhz, which corresponds to a Q of 3.54, the tuned circuit is obviously heavily loaded by the transistor.
Measuring input and output signal voltages using an oscilloscope, the gain of the circuit was calculated to be 34.
The input impedance of the amplifier appeared to be quite low as predicted by the standard textbooks on common base amplifiers.
During the gain tests, the output of the signal generator was loaded down quite heavily by the amplifier input.
Further measurements showed that the input impedance of the amplifier was around 5.8 Ohms.
In order to turn the amplifier into an oscillator, a feedback capacitor was added from the collector to the emitter.
In a common base amplifier, the output and input are in-phase so we just need to add some feedback to make it oscillate.
Using different values of feedback capacitor gave the results shown below:
Cfb Frequency Supply Current Comments
185pF 6.28 Mhz 15.8mA Waveform at the collector distorted
125pF 7.06 Mhz 11.5mA Waveform at the collector less distorted than the 185pF case
100pF 7.76 Mhz 9.9mA Connecting the scope probe to the collector kills the oscillation, frequency measured at the emitter
60pF 9.1mA No oscillation
The value of the feedback capacitor affects both the frequency and the amplitude of the oscillation.
With a lower value of feedback capacitor, the signal at the collector is a cleaner sinewave with less distortion, but loading the oscillator will kill the oscillation.
When the oscillator is oscillating, the collector current will change.
For someone will little test equipment, this can be a good indication that the oscillator is working.
Short circuit the coil and watch the collector current change, now you have a good idea that it is oscillating you can go hunting to find the frequency using a receiver.
A transmitter built using this circuit will be very susceptible to the poorly defined load (antenna wire) connected to the collector.

Edited on 12/9/14 to restore the pictures lost in a server crash at ETO some time ago. JimB
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