Comm's between 3 Pics

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The S.A. suppliers don't have stoke and will only bring in a min quantity.
However they have requested a sample of a pic18f45k22, it will arrive in a week.

I need it in a dip package and the more i/o the better.

Have you tried applying for samples yourself? They send samples to me here in Australia.

Re sims, you buy them here in supermarkets for $2.

In S.A. the SIM card will stay active as long as you keep using it, but if it is in active for 3 month's then it expires.
The supplier has applied for me, it will come in with their next shipment, saving me the shipping cost.
You can buy also buy sims at supermarkets but you have register(RICA) it before it will be active.
The sims are cheap here R0.99 about $0.10
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