Communication between PIC and Java program

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New Member

I am making a device to communicate over the internet based on a PIC µP. The general purpose of the device is to read in data from sensors, buttons and to control led's and relais. So there should be communication possible in 2 directions. The PIC has to send/receive this data over the internet to a custom made JAVA program who will process the data and display's it nicely. Now I want to wrap the data in XML format and then send it as an XML file over the internet. I already succeed in forming the XML representation of the data in the DATA memory of the µP and also to read out that XML data with the java app. But know I'm stuck with the fact: how can i edit the XML, stored in the DATA memory of the µP with the java app so that I can also write to the µP with the java program and not only read. I need this because I also want to control some LED's just by clicing on some buttons in the java prog. Do I need to use SOAP or XML_RPC and if so, how can I realise this on the µP?

Thanks in advance,

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