Company name: any suggestions?

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Active Member
Hi guys.

I'm trying to get my company registered. And I'm still mulling on whether I should be short and punchy, or should I go with slightly longer names (which may describe what I do too?)

My company will be aimed at mostly in consultation businesses, with prototyping, electronics and programming. I've got a small gig for now, so I feel having a company might boost my presence.

Any thoughts?

In short: Vortex. Or Vortex Electrica?

Poll it out by just a mention.

Most large companies tend to be a single word so they can branch out into different areas - E.G. Phillips, Sony, Nintendo, Apple etc.

Most smaller companies tend to have what they do in their title.

Ball back in your court I believe.

Of course, you can always change it further down the line - 20th Century Fox springs to mind.

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Do a web search for the names you consider. If there's already a business in the same field, you may not want that name.

If your name gets many non-relevant hits, you might want to avoid it as it would be hard to find.
Do a web search for the names you consider. If there's already a business in the same field, you may not want that name.

If your name gets many non-relevant hits, you might want to avoid it as it would be hard to find.
Already did. It seems to be available. In SEA, these kind of names don't really get used much unlike in US/Europe I guess.
You could use a description of your activities and form a catchy acronym. I have a hobby side operation called EARS, short for European Antique Radio Service. E
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