Compare the basic stamp with Another Types of MicroControler

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New Member
Dear ......
i have aftr 3 days Project ....
i have the basic stamp 2p .........from parallax Company ......
and as we know we have Diffrent Kind or types of MicroController .......
what i wanna need it to ....if any one can Support me about the Main Diffrence b/w these Kind .....
i think the best Kind is the Basic Stamp .....
so what u say ...?????
if u can replay to Email ...
Re: Compare the basic stamp with Another Types of MicroContr

The BASIC STAMP is fine for what it is, it's easy to program in a form of BASIC - but because it's an interpreter it's very slow. This isn't to say that it won't be plenty fast enough for what you want, but a standard PIC (which is what the STAMP actually uses) runs a great many times faster than a STAMP.

There are many different types of micro-controllers, none is particularly 'best' - it's mostly down to personal preferences. If a particular device does the job - why change it?.
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