Comparing two temps

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Jerry In Maine

New Member
I'd like to compare two temps using an op amp and two thermistors.
When temp 'A' is higher than 'B' I'd like to turn on a fan, which will run until temps at 'A' & 'B' are equal.

I've learned enough to know that some feededback is needed to establish hysterisis in order to keep the circuit from "chattering", and I'd like to make this adjustable.

Curious if someone could help me out with this aspect of the circuit.



  • thermo_1.JPG
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You simply add a little positive feedback to make it 'snap' - add a variable resistor in series with the feedback resistor to make it variable.

As Nigel says, add some hysteresis.


  • thermo_1.JPG
    7.6 KB · Views: 135
But "hysteresis" is such a complicated sounding can the implementation be so simple?

Thanks...I thought there'd be more to it.
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