Compiler For 16F series

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Hi I just need to know whats the good compiler for PIC16F series.
I prefer SourceBoost BoostC. It comes with both 16F and 18F compilers and will work with some 12F's as well.

The free demo is very useful - works for all chips. It's only limited for code size and RAM size. When you hit the limits of the demo, a full license is only around $75. Dirt cheap.
Hi Futz thanks for that then I'll use that.

In 16F ASM commands different & in 18F ASM commands are different from 16F.

Like that in C, is the commands are different? or can i use the same C command set for any PIC?
Hi Futz thanks for that then I'll use that.

In 16F ASM commands different & in 18F ASM commands are different from 16F.

Like that in C, is the commands are different? or can i use the same C command set for any PIC?
C is C. All the same. BoostC is reasonably close to ANSI standard, so it's pretty normal C.

Aside from register differences from PIC to PIC the language is the same regardless of which PIC you're targetting. If you want to see some simple example code for a range of different PICs, just dig through my web-site.

One nice thing you'll find with C is that very often, code written for one PIC can be moved to another model of PIC with very small changes. C is very portable.
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Excellent Futz thanks for that information.

Because the 16F ASM instructions is ok but when i shift to 18F series i have to study that 18F instructions also.

Thats why i like to do them in C.

Ah thanks for your website its really nice i'm going to go through for sure.
Excellent Futz thanks for that information.

Because the 16F ASM instructions is ok but when i shift to 18F series i have to study that 18F instructions also.

Thats why i like to do them in C.
Another nice advantage on 16F's is that you never have to worry about bank switching again!
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Hitech has released their C compiler for PIC10/12/16 MCU unrestricted on code size.

Lite mode:
"Is a Free Download;
Supports all PIC10/12/16 devices; and
Has no memory or time restrictions.
However, OCG optimizations are disengaged. As a guide, code reduction in PRO mode is typically better than 50%. A compiler running in Lite mode can restore PRO mode performance by purchasing a license, or activating the 45 day evaluation."
But always keep in mind that a license is $1000!
For that amount, it would almost be worth it to set aside a computer that can be reformatted every 45 days.

I do not think it is worth the effort.

However, OCG optimizations are disengaged. As a guide, code reduction in PRO mode is typically better than 50%

BoostC or CCS are both good compilers for the money.
Have you tried Proton Basic? £99 for a full licence, and the regular updates are free. There are some really good plugins, (also free) which make things like USB, LCD and GLCD's a breeze. It also works very nicely with PicKit2. Covers all 16F and 18F series, and I believe 24F soon too.
There is a free version which is limited to 50 lines of code
Regards Jim

Swordfish Basic is a good basic compiler.

Basic used to be simpler then C. Good modern basic compilers have a feature set nearly equivalent to C. At this point in time the ease of use claim is mostly a myth. Packaging and add on's have more to do with ease of use then the languages.

If you are going to study uc's at a collage or university chances are good that you will be using C.

Both are good languages. String handling is easier in basic. C often has a few things that can not be found in basic.
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