Compiler help

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What does this mean??

MPLAB C18 v3.35 (evaluation)
Copyright 2000-2010 Microchip Technology Inc.
Days remaining until evaluation becomes feature limited:  41
Executing: "C:\MCC18\bin\mplink.exe" "..\..\..\..\..\..\MCC18\bin\LKR\18f4550_g.lkr" "test.o" "C:\MCC18\lib\c018i.o" /u_CRUNTIME /z__MPLAB_BUILD=1 /o"Servo.cof" /M"" /W
MPLINK 4.35, Linker
Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - could not find file 'c018i.o'.
Errors    : 1

Im using a example from c18 liberarys pdf file. I thought i had all files correctly added but im not shure now
What it means is that you have encountered a bug Micorchip introduced about the time they added the hi-tech compiler.

There are several ways that should set the library path including the project wizard. But the only one that works with this bug is to

Start at MPLAB main menu
Then select the DIRECTORIES tab and select LIBRARY SEARCH PATH from the drop down box.
The needed path is C:\MCC18\lib

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In the world of C compilers c0 is the startup code used to initalize variables, setup the stack and all the other things your program needs to run.

You error message indicated that the linker could not find c018i.o which is the C18 version of c0.

I have serious doubts that adding delays could have fixed that.

On has to wonder what the point is in providing help ?
I didnt add any delay to get it to stop giving me the not finding c018i.o error, but i had to compile a lot of xlcd .c files in order to get the linker to work properly. I had some kind of error with that. It halted on some files and didnt build at all.
If i right click and compile each file before building project it worked ??
Did you follow my solution ?

It is rather depressing to take the time to help you then see

Fixed it by adding some delay stuff
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Im sorry that i havent replied..

I did what you suggested and it worked so thanks for that..

What i meant by Fied it with some delay stuff is that i had a problem with the compiler stopping but I solved it with the right code

Thanks very much 3v0 for the help..
EDIT I will tak a deep dive into your tutorials 3v0
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