Complement for random transistor

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Well-Known Member
I want to use little mosfets for a very small H-bridge - I need n and p types which are roughly complementary. So (going for the cheap ones!) I pick the p first because there are less to choose from. FDN338P looks good. So, the datasheet doesn't say there is a complement - so is there a quick way to find a complementary N type? Ok I can search for an equivalent on and change the polarity - I get FDN335N that way, but it looks like a lucky hit. What's a better way?

Thanks in advance
I use or to search for parts. Many part vendors have a search enginr. You can look for a MOSFET 20 to 50 volt 3 to 7 amp in a TO220 case.
Amazing. Cost being the dominant factor, I was looking at single mosfets from CPC. I was also looking at dual mosfets from RS. However, I had a look on DigiKey just now, hey presto I can get 4 logic level versions of the little b*****s packaged and connected as an h-bridge! I just need to find a source without the extortionate p&p...


(edit - I found same devices on RS!)
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