Compliance, EN62368 and stuff

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Hi All,
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Two questions - one general, one more specific.

I'm currently reading EN62368 and attempting to distill it into a useful document that my colleagues and I can use in design. Personally, I find these standards dense, turgid and hard to interpret. I'm interested to hear how others approach the matter of compliance. Do you have any favorite tactics, tricks or resources you like to deploy?

A particular example is in the requirements for thermal switches and polyfuses. EN62368 calls for components complying with certain clauses of IEC60730. Now, I can find some components which have test-house certification (UL, VDE etc) and some do state that components are tested to IEC60703, but none give any more detail - for instance, which clauses exactly apply.
Perhaps it would be obvious if I had access to IEC60730 (I don't) but surely I would need to know how the manufacturer had applied the standard in order to assess if it met my particular requirements?

Be really interested to hear other peoples experiences and techniques.
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