Component identification in a touch operated light switch

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Yes, PIC's can use bootloaders, I presume most controllers are capable of it. I played with PIC bootloaders a VERY long time ago - I even wrote a version of WinPicProg that would upload files to a PIC with a (specific) bootloader installed.

There are a number of PIC bootloaders available here:

or here:

I even seem to remember MicroChip themselves provided one, as an appnote perhaps?.

The Arduino isn't actually a micro-controller - it's a development system that includes a micro-controller - often an AVR, but also a wide range of other processors, including some PIC's. Apparently the original idea for the Arduino was PIC based, but MicroChip weren't prepared to provide a free compiler for it - Atmel were, the rest is history

However, thinking on - it wouldn't help you anyway, bootloaders can only upload code (as far as I know), so you couldn't use one to read the contents, even in the unlikely event that it's not write protected.
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