configuring you Remote

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New Member
iam yousing IR REMOTE VERION 1.2 , basic stam 2 , boe bot

in the first activity they write in the book cinfigurate your remote how i can configurate i need the codes

how to configure the univrsal remote to send sony tv protocol signals ?
If it is a TR Kit universal remote then try 'C212'

If that does not work then you will have to tell us exactly which universal remote handset you are using.

... or maybe refer to the user manual for the remote control handset that you are using
this is

In this activity, you will program your universal remote so that it sends PWM messages
to a television set using the SONY protocol. In this case, the term "programming" means
a sequence of key-presses on the remote that tells it to send signals to a SONY TV.
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