Confused over table 256 byte page boundry

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Mike - after a few hours of the debugger the problem/s been found!!

1) I needed to remove the call as you suggested
2) In my original code I had


	movlw HIGH Key_Table
	movwf PCLATH
	movlw index

Key_Table  ADDWF   PCL , f
            	RETLW   0x31	;1

This should have rather been:
	movlw HIGH Key_Table
	movwf PCLATH
	movf index, w

I was moving the memory location 'index' into W, rather than the contents of index

3) And last of all, the killer...After I call the table my program proceeds and at a later stage calls a another table within the first 256 bytes so I used the normal "ADDWF PCL , f" with none of the other HIGH/PCLATH stuff.

The problem there being PCLATH already contained a value set from the Key_Table. When I now called another table it fell over. I just needed to clear the PCLATH register and its all working 100%

I suppose the better way to do this would be to save the PCLATH and then restore it instead of just clearing it?
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