confusion regarding interrupt flag

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im confused about the setting of the interruprt flag i.e,bit 1 of intcon register for using xternal interrupts......i wanna know where it should b cleared...shud i clear it inside the isr itself? i,e. before retfie?....or else where and how should i clear it...

i tried clearing it just before retfie in isr....the program worked when simulated but found that it is hanging on to the last instruction for a long time.....that is it is taking much time to return to main code......
sme one give an explanation..........
Ya, clear it just before the retfie (unless you have some reason to re-enable it earlier). Just use something like
Just an example. Happens to be bit-1 of INTCON in a 16F88 that I have in front of me. Replace INT0IF with whatever bit you need in the PIC you're working with.

I can't explain that one. Maybe a bug of some sort? Are you "stacking"/"unstacking" W, STATUS and, if necessary, PCLATH? If you don't, bad things will happen.
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