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Congratulations to our friends across the pond on the new baby. You guys have all the fun.
It was on the news ALL NIGHT LONG.... I'm happy for them but!!! I know he'll be king one day but!! Do we need 24 hours coverage?

Am I being anarchistic? I don't mean to be..
Do we really care? - I love babies, but to show it ALL day, what a huge waste of everything!.
My wife said something about a baby this morning and I had no idea what she was talking about! Best way to be
A healthy young woman, surrounded by the best medical facilities, gave birth to a baby??!!

How incredible, I can hardly believe it!!

While I wish every Mother and baby all the best in life, I find the media coverage this couple have had and will have is well over the top IMHO.

I wonder if the media ever take the trouble to enquire how the majority of the general public really feel about the royals.?
My post does come across quite badly.... I am a royalist, but as we can all agree where's the normal TV listings gone!!! I would have rather watched "Who do you think you are"...
My post does come across quite badly.... I am a royalist, but as we can all agree where's the normal TV listings gone!!! I would have rather watched "Who do you think you are"...

hi Ian,

I am proud to be an English man, but at heart I am a Republican


I have to laugh a little here. Over here in the US we have baseball taking over the channels on many occasions. Baseball is supposed to be a favorite American pass time, but when it takes over your favorite show you tend to hate it with a passion. Maybe once in a lifetime would be ok, but this happens on a regular basis. Makes you hate the sport after a while. We have so many channels over here they could easily use another one, but they choose to take over the best shows, so good for them if they loose business because they make people dislike the sport after a while.

So just be happy it does not happen too much to your channels over there in the UK
Childhood Saturdays were torture if I was at home with nothing to do but watch TV, nothing but football (the soccer sort). Hated and loathed it.
Childhood Saturdays were torture if I was at home with nothing to do but watch TV, nothing but football (the soccer sort). Hated and loathed it.

You didn't 'have' to watch the football on TV - I never did.

Simply do something else, go out, read a book - no one is forced to watch TV.
Simply do something else, go out, read a book - no one is forced to watch TV.

Or simply ride a bicycle....LOL, crash and all Especially at night. No way.

Used to be too sore to do this lately. Way to old to be a Kid again.... Back the the original topic....

Welcome to the third in line to be King of England. I hope you do well kiddo. May your Mom groom and prepare you for the great stuff ahead. May we all sit later and discuss this when we are around Eighty years old and you are but a Teen. You hopefully will turn into the very most super duper King EVER.

And will save the whole wide World from evil people forever.

Holding thumbs here.

All the best,
I agree, but sometimes I'd done the alternatives and just wanted to watch a bit of telly.

I actually quite like our royal family - just not interested in media coverage of anything.
Not to get too political or anything, but......

That from a full-blooded American

Congrats though!

And best of all it's not mine.


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Awww, he's got his great granny's mouth... Also notice the stern, focussed expression - he clearly knows he's got a big job ahead of him (or maybe it's just he's concentrating on a big jobbie?)
Awww, he's got his great granny's mouth... Also notice the stern, focussed expression - he clearly knows he's got a big job ahead of him (or maybe it's just he's concentrating on a big jobbie?)

I think it's more like.

"Dam you all !!!!!!!!" I was just about to finish my "Cold Fusion Reactor"..................... I command you, put me back in!
On this side of the pond, many Americans are happy for the royal couple since that's a bit of good news in the world amidst the usual sad stuff we hear daily. However, most of us also realize women have been birthing babies for eons now and since this isn't an immaculate conception birth, it's business as usual over here. We do wish the royal couple and little Prince George good fortune and long health.
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