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I was thinking the same thing

Now I feel guilty.....

Really you shouldn't, I watched part of one episode, made me laugh. The character is interesting, sometimes I wonder if some on the forum were born with instinctual capabilities such as that character.

As such looking at the Queen and her look it may be Genetic or simply Stubborn British attitude at birth, depends on opinion. It makes me think why are Americans the way they are, the fruit does not fall far from the tree.

Edit: My apologies to the Queen and the Royal Family.

Congratulations, you never know when someone will be born to change the world. Just as many here do on a daily bases.

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I would forego watching anything about the royal family in favor of watching the likes of Monty Python, The Young Ones, Mr. Bean, or Benny Hill! You chaps over there are the king of slap-stick comedy!
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