Conic Sections In Electronics

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For my analytic geometry class we are doing a final project on conic sections and matrices. We are supposed to incorporate our passion into this project as long as it has something to do with Conic sections or matrices. Any ideas?
Maybe you could rig up a microcontroller to output conic sections as an x/y plot to an oscilloscope (similar to a Lissajous generator)?
A parabolic reflector for a mic to hear faint or distant sounds. There are many common items that have approximately parabolic shapes. Use can use dimentional measurements and the equations to find what items have the best parabloic shape, and try to find the focal point to place a mic.

I swear, every time I look at my cooking lids, I see parabolas.
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This might be stretching it a bit, but, if i remember right the poles of an elliptical filter lie on an ellipse.
Thanks guys! I ended up doing Lissajous figures on an oscilloscope. They look pretty sweet, not to mention they are quite interesting! Thanks for the help.
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