connect pic to 6210 with dlr-3p cable?

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has anyone managed to connect a pic to a 6210 with a dlr-3p cable? i am not sure how to do it, i beleive the cable has a built in pic which requires power from the serial port as well as connecting the rx,tc and gnd pins?

i have connected the phone to hyperterminal without any problems, but just can not get it to work with a pic.

i am using a 16f877 at 20hz with picbasic.

thanks, Stu

I've no idea about a 6210, but if the lead has a PIC inside it which requires power on an extra wire, you obviously will have to provide that power from your PIC circuit.

I presume you're already using a MAX232 (or similar) to interface from the PIC circuit to the lead?. The 232 has extra connections you could use for your power, but first you need to find out what power is needed, and which lead it's on!.
when connected to pc, if i connect the rx,tx and gnd pins I also need to connect pins 7 and 4 on the cable to one of the serial port pins that gives out 10v

i have tried connecting it to 4.5 from the pic with no luck

i am using a max232, can i get a 10v supply from the max232, i tried just and only seemed to get 5v

The outputs of a MAX232 convert from 0/5V to +/-10V, you have a spare output on the MAX232, use that and short the input to either 0V or 5V to give the 10V output polarity you want.
stu989 said:
tried that and does not work, although i am only getting about 7.6v from the max 232?

Well the 10V is a theoretical maximum, doubled from the 5V, so you won't actually get 10V - and depending on the load, it will probably be pulled down somewhat.

Try using a battery to power the chip in the lead, that way you can make sure you have everything else correct - then start worrying about where to find the power from.
I assume a 6210 is Nokia cellphone. It uses the MBUS which is just a half-duplex serial interface at 3.3V level. You may connect it directly to a PIC. You insert a series resistor so that the 5V of the PIC not harm the 3.3V level input.
motion said:
I assume a 6210 is Nokia cellphone. It uses the MBUS which is just a half-duplex serial interface at 3.3V level. You may connect it directly to a PIC. You insert a series resistor so that the 5V of the PIC not harm the 3.3V level input.

yes nokia phone i forgot that bit

that sounds too easy, have u done this yourself? i have not seen it done with this method anywhere
I have never done so. However, I've got a project lined up to communicate to a Nokia 3210 phone from a PIC. I have done the preliminary research and this is how I would do it.

The data cable is just a max3232 chip to convert RS232 to 3.3V TTL signals. Why would you use another MAX232 chip to convert from PIC signal level to RS232 only to be converted back down again to 3.3V TTL?
please read this

greetings to all.

Does anybody know where i can find IC max3232?

Any insights will be appreciated.........
i think you can buyit directly from maxim or search for a shop that has it. i know futurlec does.
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