connect the pic16f877 with an adapter usb bluetooth

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hello, as you see it in the title, I like to connect an adapter usb bluetooth with a pic16f877 via port UART (important flow) I used an adapter usb uart CP2102: bluetooth - >cp2102-->pic16f877 my question is as follows: since we connect a module bluetooth to the PC we need a driver, is it the same thing for my project? and what I must make because I did not know anything about micro controllers PIC and thank you for your assistance.
the CP2102 appears to be a usb to uart bridge, similar to the popular FT232 from FTDI?

where does bluetooth come into play here?

you should have no problem going PC -> bluetooth -> bluetooth uart (aka bluetooth serial port) -> pic

many bluetooth serial ports are controlled via a more or less standard AT command set via their uart interface - your microcontroller may have to tell the radio to turn on, or become discoverable, as well as manage any PIN code exchange (may not be required)

there aren't any drivers required - if your PC has bluetooth capability, the drivers are already installed.


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You can't use a bluetooth USB dongle on anything less than a computer with a USB host (ie PC or Mac). A USB host is somehat more complex than the client.
Like justdiy pointed out you need a bluetooth adapter with an rs232 interface which are generally more expensive than their USB counterpart.
Some rs232 bluetooth adapters have TTL signal level options, that's what you want.
thank's for your help,but let me ask you another question please.
so if i have inderstood well we can not connect an adapter usb bluetooth less than a PC or can we connect this adapter directly whith the pic16f877?
if not can you propose another solution for me to connect this adapter whith PIC16F877 because i want to create an module whith USB in entry.

I have chooses an adapter bluetooth for not use a chip bluetooth who i don't know if she receive a video or not.

thank's for your help again.
i do not know of any way to have a microcontroller preform the role of a USB host (the role the PC plays) is that what you are asking?

video is beyond the abilities of the humble PIC microcontroller. some folks have managed to get them to output simple patterns and blocky text to an analog tv, but I wouldn't call that video.
so i think that i don't explane very well.I want to realise the same project of this
**broken link removed**
but i want to add an usb entry and keep RCA in because this i need to connect an adapter usb bluetooth whith PIC16F877 via port UART.
thank's againe.
Hay Im85 did you solve your problem? I am also facing this problem. If you solved this one please share your knowledge. Thanks
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