gophert I agree with that statement which helps me clear up a bit of what I meant to say, after doing vigorous research online I've came to see that all throughout the internet there has been several tests. Even from Universities and companies like Raytheon that have constructed a multi-sensory perception Helmet before in very similar conditions, in this case only utilizing Sonar in the same terms as Daredevil would, minus the person being blind. Many more examples of this have included Frank Zapata making a variation of a hoverboard that uses Mini Gas Turbines to hover and fly (The Flyboard Air). Same with Richard Browning and his Jet powered flight suit, The Daedalus Flight Pack. My variation of the multiple creations of a Multi-sensory highly perceptive Helmet will (hopefully) include a lot more upgrades (including the Motion Sensors) and add to the patent. My variation of this very well established project, is called The Spectrum Helmet. Hopefully in time I could patent this in a way where it could be used to help, my idea with all this is to integrate known technologies and inventions/creations, etc, to hopefully put it towards good use.