Connecting bicycle to a computer

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Hi everyone. I'm currently working on a project that would allow me to interface my stationary bike with commercial computer games. I have a reed switch sensor and magnet on the bike, with two wires leading from the sensor. I took apart an old digital gamepad I had, and soldered the two wires to one of the buttons of the gamepad. Every time the wheel on the bike goes around it trips the sensor and it simulates the joystick button being pressed. This works fine as far as that goes, but what I really want to be able to do is use my bike to play car racing games. In the racing games I would be holding the button down continually to accelerate, so when I am trying to use the bike it acts as though I am just pushing the button rapidly. This results in my car moving about 20 miles per hour, and in me getting annihilated in the race. Just wondering if there is another method of sending a steadier or more prolonged signal, so the button thinks it is being pressed for longer. When I am pedalling as fast as I can I want the game to think the button is being held down. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Bicycle computer controller

hello everyone,
Bannor32 -Hows the project coming along?
Ive wanted to connect an exercise bike to my pc for a long time now but I know very little about electronics so my projects never gotten of the ground.
My one idea was to use video games where the speed of the car/bike/etc is controlled via the analog y axis. After reading about joysticks over at it seems that the x and y axis are simply variable resistors -the harder you push on the stick the higher the resistance.
If i could figure out how to increase resistance by peddling faster then I could make my car/bike speed up.
My first idea is low tech -simply use a mechanical tach and use the "needle and gauge" as a variable resistor. If you've seen the graphics at howstuff works -then imagine your basic mechanical speedometer I think you could combine the two into one unit
My second plan plan would be to use some kind of sensor (perhaps a hall switch?) to convert the rotation of the wheels into varying levels of resistance -This is where im stuck Can anyone help?
Bike speed

Ages ago quinjet and I had a go at this, we had a working circuit.
A reed relay on the frame, triggered by two magnets on the spokes, equally spaced so as to give two pulses per rev.
It should get you started :wink:



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Connecting Bicycle to computer

Thanks for the schematic.
Ok let me see if i got it straight when the magnets pass over the reed switch it sends a signal to the IC -then the IC puts out a Variable voltage?Is this an analogue signal? I was planning on replacing the pot in a joystick so i guess I need an analogue output?
Where would I connect the joysticks supply voltage? How about the voltage out?
Thanks alot for your help
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