Connecting car alarm to underbody lights control unit

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I recently installed an alarm system into my car. The system has three channels that I can hook up to control whatever I want. There is one wire coming from the alarm system for each channel, and I can program them (individually) to either provide a ground while the button is pushed on the remote, provide a ground when the button is pushed, and deactivate when the button i pushed again, or provide a ground for any time period between 1 second and 2 minutes.

I also have underbody lights installed on my car. They have a control unit with three buttons, and two knobs. There is a button for on/off, color, and pattern. the knobs are for speed and music sensitivity. The lights came with their own 4-button remote which controls on/off, color, speed, and pattern. This remote is pretty much useless however because i have to be practically touching the car for it to work.

I would like to have the alarm remote control the lights, that way I will get much longer range, and will only need to carry around the one remote on my keychain. I want the remote from the alarm to control on/off, color, and pattern. What I need help with is finding where to solder the three wires to the underbody control unit to get this to work, if it's even possible.

I looked and the underbody control and each of the three buttons are connected to the circuit board in four locations. Basically, how do I test which of those four connections becomes momentarily grounded when the button is pushed. Or is that not the correct way to go about testing this? Does anyone have any ideas? Any help would be great.

Btw, the underbody light control is connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and to the chassis as a ground.

I hope someone can help me out, thanks!
Use a relay. Much safer for the electronics.

Put the contacts of the relay in parallel with the button that you want to pretend is being pushed.
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