connecting pots in series

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New Member
I have two 50k pots and I need a single 100k pot, is there a way that I can connect the two 50k's (possibly in series) to make them equivalent to a single 100k pot?

I have played around with these pots, and have been unsuccessful, any help will be appreciated.

If it is possible, will you please be as detailed as possible, I know little about electronics.


If you tell us what the pot is for or post a schematic then we can determine if a single 50k pot will replace the original 100k pot.
put them in series

is it a stereo pot in one housing and with one turn stick or 2 seperate pots ?

Thanks rjvh, I had a dual 50k (single shaft) pot, and your sketch was very helpful.

And thanks to everyone else for your quick responses.

a bit of a waste of a stereo pot though that is more than twice as expensive as one.

why don't you tell us what the pot is for ? then we may be able to help more
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