Connector damage due to inrush sparking?

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Dear Engineers,
We are using the JST connector of Part number = S2B-XH-A. We are using it to connect our 48V battery to our 5Vout DCDC module. (as attached)
This comprises an 82uF capacitor at its input. Considering the inrush and sparking at the connector contacts due to the 82uF input capacitor, how long do you think this connector will last?
Say, after 10000 connections, what would then be the resistance of this connector?
Circuit attached showing where connector is.

It will be connected once per day. Every day.

S2B-XH-A connector


  • Traco DCDC inrush.pdf
    25.4 KB · Views: 262
How do i proove it?

Well, why don't you do a "certification test" ?
Set up a test rig which mechanically makes and breaks the connector N thousand times, and examine the contacts and measure the contact resistance say every 1000 operations.

Thanks, but unless i have some proof that it (connector spark damage) may be a problem, then they wont invest in doing that. As far as these people are concerned, unless the datasheet specifically states against it (which it doesnt), then its fine.
It will be connected once per day. Every day.
this is what switches are made for... other problems that are common are breakage of the connector body, wire fatigue, the pins on the board breaking loose from the solder (or causing metal fatigue of the solder itself, first resulting in increased resistance across the embrittled solder, and then breaking free and arcing across the break).
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