First of all i am posting so everyone knows i have read the thread. i am not going to get into the whole LG side of things, at least not in this thread. I will post a different thread at some point and i will give my views.
As to the rest of this, i can see different sides and views and i dont feel at the moment i have anything worth contributing, so in other words i will keep my mouth shut.
But Mickster has raised an interesting point that i would like to see discussed, this would probally be better in another thread, but to outline it.
Mickster is of the opinion this is a hobbyist forum and i agree with him, thats exactly how i view ETO.
But is it? what kind of forum is ETO exactly? There are some who bristle at the idea of this being a site mainly for the hobbyist, some will only refer to it as a technical forum, others i feel see this as a place for engineers, and hobbyist are tolerated (just). I think its time to have a open and honest debate on what ETO is and who it is aimed at.
The reason is, i see a constant conflict on here about what should and should not be posted on a thread. Some who would like to view it as a technical/engineers site, cannot tolerate any form of banter in a thread, there is constantly shouts of keep on topic (not so much of late granted). There is also alot of nic picking on small technical issues, and at times OP's post a question and it is clearly stated they have little knowledge. There question is seemingly answered fairly quickly and in a way that most OP's would grasp, then along comes all the Mr/Mrs nitpickers and technical perfectionist, before long the thread descends into (from some OP's perspectives) a totally pointless debate on some small technical issue, and they go away more confused than when they arrived. The funny thing is rarely is there ever a shout of keep on topic or anything else.
Not so much at the moment but in the recent past, there seemed a concerted effort to turn this forum into a dry and arid desert of purely technical talk, the OP was expected to post the question with ALL relevant information, with complete disregard as to whether or not, the OP had enough knowledge to supply every last detail and schematic of what they wanted to do/fix etc. Then they get one or two highly technical answers and the thread was considered done with and over, on an engineering forum aimed mainly at professionals, i would expect this kind of stringent straight question and answer format, everything nice and tidy, all information in some kind of chronological format.
But i wouldn't expect it on a site aimed mainly at the amateur or hobbyist, yes its great that ETO holds so much information, but what is it? Is it some kind of hybrid Wikipedia for electronics, or is it a place where people with the same interest come and share projects and discuss electronics, with the overall information contained within seen as a bonus, and not the primary point?
Like i say probably best done in another thread, but i would really like to hear others views, i have been open with how i see things and i would like to know how others see it. BUT above all i would like to have one simple question answered.... WHO IS ETO AIMED AT, AND WHAT IS ITS PRIMARY FUNCTION? ok actually two questions
Before i go one thing i will say about the op being discussed, it would be helpful if we actually knew his situation, for example, is he someone that has blagged himself into technical jobs, over a long period of time, with no prior knowledge or training? in which case billy hold your hands up, everyone. ESPECIALLY in the current climate has a right to do whatever it takes, to put food on the family table and pay the rent. But time to own up, honesty in this instance would go a long way to you getting respect and help here, i would also advocate one of two things, get proper training (maybe say night classes) or consider another career.
Or is the OP someone that somehow passed exams and just isnt any good at what they do, in that case Billy, feed the family by all means, but start looking for other jobs outside of this field, i see your time of getting help here shortening by the hour.
p.s Billy if i have offended you, feel free to pm me and i will gladly tell you what i think, particuarly to some comments that have been posted