continuous rotation servos

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Ok I've made up my mind finally. I have decided to use mechie's idea using a 10 turn pot and somehow attaching it to the screw rod. What's a typical resistance for servo like 5kohm? Also would it work if I took a servo apart and just hooked up a geared motor (500mA to 1A) to it and the pot or what are some other things that I should consider? My choice may not be the best but this project only has to work for no more then 10-20minutes, after that anything is game for it. If modifing the servo idea won't work how about something like this **broken link removed** ?
Hey Roboticinfo....

You know you said right at the begining of the thread;

That is very simple but may I ask you this first.

What microcontroller and language do you know?

Well first of all, maybe YOU should be the one paying more attention - he had already said he uses VB (Visual Basic).

Next you said;

A friend of mine owns that website, anyway that software that is included works with full rotation.

Basicly you set the slide to 360 degrees

Does that answer your question?

Then a little later you said;

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:18 am Post subject: reply


The most a servo can do is 270 degrees that is it, which was stated early next time pay attention.

Why do you need it to be that accurate?

If I couldn't go with servos I would go with steppers.

Usually steppers do skip a couple of steps sometimes, but if that would be a problem then you can use limit switches as also stated early.

What don't you get?


Bleat bleat. :lol:

You need something like **broken link removed**

It uses a standard servo IC but has a H-Bridge to enable it to drive bigger motors and an external potentiometer.

what was that all about.

roboticmisinfo???????? whats happening here.

i have to say one thing, and the people who have been here for some time would agree with me that things have really changed at electro-tech-online for the past few months !!!!!!!
Hey pommie thanks for that link, I would buy that controller board but its from Australia and they say it will take 2weeks or more for it to get here to the US and I need to start hauling some a$$ on this project because I only got some 8 or so weeks left. I think I found something similar to what you have shown me what do you think...?
If what I found is not even close then does anyone know where I can get a controller board like what pommie showed me?

Your on my black list and that is not a good thing, you better watch out newbie cause I am going to get you.

You are new to this forum and I have been here longer, there for I have way more expierence then you with this website and elec.
You are nothing but a wanna be newbie which you have achieved.

Also why don't you mock someone else before you mock peoples responses. All I am trying todo is help him that is all.
I may have changed the words a bit because I really didn't fully understand what he wanted till some of the ideas came in from other people.

Got it


It's a cheap stepper driver with some very nice features. Just find a large stepper and from an old dot matrix printer. If you want to go faster just run a higher voltage and limit current. For example, ebay item # 7526375408 (Bargains @--> US$6.00) running at 50Vdc (transformer, bridge and cap) and with a 50R ballast resistor would out-spec most ~$100 rc servos.

Example, a Futuba 9252 ~$75-$114 96oz-in@6v and takes 0.14 seconds to turn 60 degrees, that's only 71RPM!! Where as the stepper would have more torque and spin a lot faster, my 200 step/rev steppers running @ 17V were doing 300rpm.

-This pic's off topic but i'm sure you know who gave me the idea, however the bottom part does not do it justice, try and imagine a 1kW photonic explosion inside your kitchen, mmm ozone


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