control play back pitch of a audio

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New Member
Hi everyone , I'm work in on this thing
it started out being a simple digital delay but it's ended up being a sampler/synthesizer , I also wrote the code for the envelope generator it give's you control over the attack time ,decay level , decay time , sustain level, and release time , all done in software , must say I'm quite pleased with my self in doing it , it updates all its settings from the main control chip all in real time with out breaking off from generating the envelope, had to use some control logic ( was a bit of a git to work out ) ,, so far there's 11 modes when you turn it on ( 11 pages on the LCD ) ,, Im still working on the code to get a nice display on the LCD for each page right now all that comes up is the numbers form the pots for each setting

Now here's my question;

Ive still not sure how Im going to change the play back pitch , I got all the midi worked out and running in to a pic then coming out as one 7 bit word ( note number ) now I was thinking I could take this and put it to a DAC and use the Dacs output as a CV for a VCO , then use the output from the VCO to trigger the sample play back circuit , some thing like ; wait for a RA0 to go high then play back one sample stop , wait for RA0 ,, and so on round in a loop , would this work ?? , or would it be better the do the delay ( playback pitch ) in software and if so how would I work out musical notes to prgram delay loops ? Im on the right track here ?? any input to this would be great guys ,, thanks for reading ..

by the way Im using pic16F877s for the control logic
pic16F84 for the envelope generator
PCM75 for the ADC
PCM54 for the DAC
theres 10 pots and 2 rotary encoders for data input :?


  • DDL1.jpg
    143.7 KB · Views: 686
I have written a program that plays many of the major notes out of a scenix micro. Scenix is more or less a crappy PIC, but that's all I had at the time. This should get you were you want to go.. Hope it what you were looking for


    7.6 KB · Views: 259
Are you going to spin a board for your circuit? For the sake of reliability, I would highly suggest it.
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