For this reason i am designing the state space based on the input of each motor which will create a moment around each of the Tψ, Tθ and Tβ axis.
Tψ is: k((ω1^2)+(ω3^2)-(ω2^2)-(ω4^2))
Tθ is: Lk((ω2^2)-(ω4^2))
and Tβ is: Lk((ω3^2)-(ω1^2))
where ω1-4 respectively are the angular velocity of a given motor, and (ω^2) is the torque provided by said motor.
Thus a movement on a given axis is the based on the ratio of torques or motor velocities on each axis.
dωψ/dt = k((ω1^2)+(ω3^2)-(ω2^2)-(ω4^2))
dωθ/dt = Lk((ω2^2)-(ω4^2))
dωβ/dt = Lk((ω3^2)-(ω1^2))
where L is the distance between each motor and the centre of gravity and K is a constant greater than 1.