Controlling servo's with PWM and flex sensor's ? Needing some help

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Hello everyone,

So ive been researching for awhile not not coming up with what i've been looking for so I was wondering if some of the experts can help me out a little and get me started. I will be using a PIC16F690 for this I may have to have 2 of them due to the limited number of pins with ADC

To be able to control a robotic hand already machined in alum designed in our tech room that use's 5 servo's to control the 5 fingers.

This is what I need help for
Ok so right now its run using a RC controller but I would like to interface a hand that I own that contains 5 flex sensors on for each finger. I would like to be able to control the robotic hand with my hand in real time if possible it doesn't have to be wireless.

What I know
So currently I know some assembly but haven't done anything with ADC or servo's I do know that the duration of pulses determines the angle of the output shaft. The pulses can be from 0.9 ms to 2.1 ms long, 1.5 ms being the center position (in other words, pulse duration varies linearly with shaft angle). I also know that the analog input from the flex sensor needs to be assigned a value so that as the flex sensor bends it changes the pulses ether making them faster or shorter. Im not sure how to do this in assembly code

If anyone can help me out to get started somewhere I will be using a PIC16F690 to do it. If I have to I can have more then one with the same code since there are only so many ADC's on that PIC
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