Convert .C to .HEX

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New Member
hello there..
i have 2 porgrams for 2 different pic16f84A projects... the problem i m facing is that the programs are in .C.. i just have the MPLAB and some bad C compilers.. i need some help to compile those to files to .HEX and all the compilers i tried didn t work coz i m working on Vista... so could anyone plz take the two files ..compile them and send them back ? i would be thankfull !


  • dice.c
    6.2 KB · Views: 407
  • ledd.c
    2.3 KB · Views: 262
Re: Convert .c to .hex
-SDCC complier
The win32 version

The win32 version

Installing both of these has allowed me to compile pick programs, the SDCC complier supports a ton of things (a ton of pics, some other stuff too).

Hope this helps!
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