Converted waves

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New Member
hi i need to a electronic circuit includes diode s and Resistance s and Source who convert Triangle into a square wave and square wave into triangle (sry for my bad english -im persian plz put shematic picture tnx)
I'm not sure this is what you want, but here is an oscillator that generates both.


  • oscil.PNG
    76.6 KB · Views: 138
You can convert a triangle wave of large amplitude to a pseudo square-wave of small amplitude by applying it to a resistor in series with a back-to-back pair of zener diodes. I don't see how to convert a square wave to a triangle wave using only diodes and resistors (plus square-wave source); I think at least a capacitor would also be needed.
thank u if possibele plz put shematic picture of tringle to square by zener (im beginer)
Here's the schematic...


  • TriangleToSquare.gif
    20.1 KB · Views: 121
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