Converting this switch

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New Member
I did a google search and found this thread (Click here). I decided to sign up and ask you guys since it seemed like the best option.

Can you take a momentary push button switch and convert it to a push button on/off switch? What I'm wanting is to be able to convert the horn button on the motorcycle (momentary push button obviously) to an on/off switch so it looks completely stock. I'm think I would need to somehow replace the inside workings behind the plastic piece that you touch with your finger. Any thoughts? I don't mind if I need to replace things, I just want the horn button to still be there so it's a "hidden" switch.

Here is a picture of the horn button. I don't have access to photobucket right now so I had to Google a picture and this was the best I could find. It's obviously not my bike, but the amount of space I have to work with looks identical. The horn button is below the turn signal toggle on the left side handlebar.
**broken link removed**
You need something to remember that you have pressed the button.

A simple electronic device for that is a D-type flip flop.

You have to deal with switch bounce. Without that the flip flop will flip back and forward hundreds of times each time you press the button.
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