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converting to bcd

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I'm trying to convert an 8-bit number into to bcd, packed or unpacked it doesn't matter how it's done. I'm using this code, but i can't get it to work. Can anyone tell me where i'm going wrong, or direct to me to some code that works.

MOVLW	B'00000111'
ANDLW 	B'00001111'

 SWAPF   BINARY,W    ; swap the nibbles
 ADDWF   BINARY, W   ; so we can add the upper to the lower
 ANDLW   B'00001111' ; lose the upper nibble (W is in BCD from now on)
 BTFSC 	 STATUS,DC	 ; if we carried a one (upper + lower > 16)
 ADDLW   0x16        ; add 16 (the place value) (1s + 16 * 10s)
 BTFSC   STATUS,DC   ; did that cause a carry from the 1's place?
 ADDLW   0x06        ; if so, add the missing 6 (carry is only worth 10)
 ADDLW   0x06        ; fix max digit value by adding 6
 BTFSS 	 STATUS, DC  ; if was greater than 9, DC will be set
 ADDLW  -0x06        ; if if it wasn't, get rid of that extra 6
 BTFSC   BINARY,4       ; 16's place
 ADDLW   0x16 - 1 + 0x6  ; add 16 - 1 and check for digit carry
 ADDLW  -0x06        ; if nothing carried, get rid of that 6
 BTFSC   BINARY, 5      ; 32nd's place
 ADDLW   0x30         ; add 32 - 2
 BTFSC   BINARY, 6      ; 64th's place
 ADDLW   0x60        ; add 64 - 4
 BTFSC   BINARY, 7  ; 128th's place
 ADDLW   0x20        ; add 128 - 8 % 100
 ADDLW   0x60        ; has the 10's place overflowed?
 RLF     HUNDREDS, F ; pop carry in hundreds' LSB
 BTFSS   HUNDREDS, 0 ; if it hasn't
 ADDLW  -0x60       ; get rid of that extra 60
 MOVWF   TENS_AND_ONES   ; save result
 BTFSC   BINARY,7       ; remeber adding 28 - 8 for 128?
 INCF    HUNDREDS, F ; add the missing 100 if bit 7 is set
 RETURN             ; all done!
this is super easy in C... but asm shouldnt be that hard... a 8 bit number is 0 to 255 which means it can be from 0 bits to 10 bits output in BCD

255 in BCD is 0x255 aka 0b1001010101

so there are approx 3 nibbles...


Im no asm guru so ill show you in C and maybe it can help...

Hundreds = MyNum / 100;
Tens= (MyNum - Hundreds) / 10;
Ones = (MyNum - Hundreds) - tens;

somthing like that should produce 3 bytes in C with 0x02 , 0x05, 0x05

Now you simply shift them together into 1 int or 2 bytes...
UpperByte = (Hundreds << 4) + Tens;
LowerByte = Ones;

now you have 2 bytes 0x25, 0x5

If your number is from 0 to 99 then you end up with a 1 byte result... if the number is 99

then your upperbyte will be 0x99 and lower will be 0x00
This is something I have to do a fair bit. I've done the (as AtomSoft says) easy implementation in C - but I've found that for 16 bit values that takes precious milliseconds.
The code I keep coming back to **broken link removed**. It only uses 7 bytes of RAM, which can be used for other purposes when not needed for bnary - BCD calculations.
hi,,, edofbrighton

I have cut down a 16bit to ASCII subr for you, it works ok.
The program can be tested as posted

;Byte to BCD or ASCII into ascbfr, from Byte in binvall

    list    p=16f876a
    #include <>

    errorlevel -302, -207

    __config _CP_OFF & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON  & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF

temp1    equ     0x21
temp2    equ     0x22
binvall equ     0x23
binvalm equ    0x24

ascbfr2 equ     0x40
ascbfr1 equ     0x41
ascbfr0 equ     0x42

    org 0x0000
    goto test
    org 0x0004
    movlw     .123
    movwf    binvall
    call    bin2asc
trap:    goto trap

;convert 8 bit bin to 3 asci in ascbfr0
    clrf    ascbfr2
    clrf      ascbfr1
    clrf    ascbfr0;lsd
        movlw   .8 
    movwf   temp1

bitloop:;shift msb into carry
        rlf     binvall,F 
        movlw   ascbfr0    ;0=lsd 1st
        movwf   FSR    ;fsr=pointer to digits
        movlw   0X03    ;digits to do
        movwf   temp2
        rlf     INDF,F    ;shift digit 1 bit left
        movlw   0X0A
        subwf   INDF,W    ;check and adjust for decimal overflow
        btfsc   STATUS,C
        movwf   INDF

        decf    FSR,F;incf=msd 1st next digit
        decfsz  temp2,F
        goto    adjloop
        decfsz  temp1,F;next bit
        goto    bitloop

    ;return from here if BCD only
        movlw    0X30;make asci
    iorwf   ascbfr2,F
    iorwf   ascbfr1,F
    iorwf   ascbfr0,F


If it will help, here's a nice fast isochronous routine;

Regards, Mike

;  8-bit to 3 digit half-packed BCD (isochronous)
;   input: WREG, 0x00..0xFF, 0..255
;  output: tens, 0x00..0x25, packed bcd hundreds and tens
;          ones, 0x00..0x09
;  26 words/cycles (isochronous), not including call and return
    radix    dec

        clrf    tens            ;
        addlw   -200            ; W = W - 200
        rlf     tens,F          ; pick up Carry result
        btfss   tens,0          ; borrow? no, skip, else
        addlw   200             ; add 200 back
        addlw   -100            ; subtract 100
        rlf     tens,F          ; pick up Carry result
        btfss   tens,0          ; borrow? no, skip, else
        addlw   100             ; add 100 back
        addlw   -80             ;
        rlf     tens,F          ;
        btfss   tens,0          ;
        addlw   80              ;
        addlw   -40             ;
        rlf     tens,F          ;
        btfss   tens,0          ;
        addlw   40              ;
        addlw   -20             ;
        rlf     tens,F          ;
        btfss   tens,0          ;
        addlw   20              ;
        addlw   -10             ;
        rlf     tens,F          ;
        btfss   tens,0          ;
        addlw   10              ;
        movwf   ones            ;
        return                  ;
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