copper strips on card

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New Member
I am trying to locate a product that used to exist, once upon a time...........

it consists of a roll of card/melinex/nomex/something else with copper strips 5mm wide spaced 10mm apart (ish). i am not sure is the strips were glued on, or embossed into the backing under pressure.

we used to cal them lead pads, but i have no idea if that's what the manufacturer called them

the winding from a coil comes from one side, the flex leads are soldered the other side. cad drawing illustrates.

has anyone seen anything like this?


  • lead pads.JPG
    4.6 KB · Views: 155
if you imagine that tape cut into 20-30mm lengths, and suck on a backing, and supplied in roll form, then you get what i am after.
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