Countdown Timer help (pic16f628)

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New Member
hi all.......I've built the great countdown timer project in this site (PIC Countdown Timer) and modified it a little bit to use 4" and 2.3" displays and it's working great with PIC16f628

but i want to add a 2 press-buttons (while keeping the original press buttons as they are) one to set 15 mins and other one to ste 30 mins on the timer and starts countdown imediately and when the timer reach 5 mins activates the relay on RB5 (instead of it's always on)

I don't know how to modify the software to do this. So your help will be so much apperciated

PS. we can use the internal oscillator of the pic and use these 2 pins to be I/O for the new 2 buttons

thanks in advance


  • cntdwn3-628-PNP.asm
    25.3 KB · Views: 228
  • Cntdwn3PNP.pdf
    14.4 KB · Views: 292
So, you want the relay to come on before the time has exired?

When the relay comes on, do you want it to stay on, or just pulse once?
Hi Hakachukai,
Yes I want it to come on when the timer reach 5 mins and stay on till it reaches 0

Thanks for your reply
hey men, this pic 628 you need configurate the conversor AD, read this datasheet from microchip, there are examples
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