Coverting Rtttl to .bas with PICAXE-18

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i would like to get some Rtttl monophonic ringtones converted into basic so i can use it through a piezo transducer. is this possible using a picaxe flowsheet? can i use "sound 0,(x,y)" function to do this? or can i put in some custom code, using the insert code box?

i have the ringtone as a picaxe-08m tune if that helps.

Have a look at for details of the ringtone format - plus 'proper' PIC code for playing them.

I would expect the PICAXE to be very limited for this use?.
yeh pic axe sucks alot, but its free, quick and easy to find errors with.

btw the way i look at that site and it didnt help much, coz picaxe works by note tone 1-50 and note duration (x and y respectively) so i guess i would have to know what each number 1-50 represents to make the tune, and also what the y value is measured in (i think its miliseconds). any other info that could help me?
lol i got it for free, do u mean this pic axe?

if u look it says free for educational and home use..

arg ok now i really dont get it! when i type in random numbers for x and y all it does it make the stupid windows beeping noise!?!?

my motherboard doesnt have a sounder, does that affect it?
the programming editor is free... but you still have to buy the chip and programmer... all it is is a PIC with their firmware on it, and since everything runs through their firmware it winds up being SIGNIFICANTLY slower and can only hold 80 or 600 lines on an 18-pin chip, as opposed to 2000 or 8000 lines of assembly on the same chip!
GST_Nem said:
lol i got it for free, do u mean this pic axe?

if u look it says free for educational and home use..

arg ok now i really dont get it! when i type in random numbers for x and y all it does it make the stupid windows beeping noise!?!?

A PICAXE is a PIC with a BASIC interpreter programmed in to it, the software that runs on the PC merely converts it to 'tokens' and downloads it to the chip - into the small amount of EEPROM data memory, which is why they can only run fairly short programs.

You can download the PC software for free, but's it's completely useless unless you purchase the PICAXE chips to use with it.
yeh i know about and have all the stuff. also i dont think my code is too long and even if it i can still shorten it. what i need to know is how can i get the tones to play on the thingys? i have to use a flowsheet program to make this project, so if pic logicator is better for the sound i can use the software at my school to remake everything ive done so far but i will only do that if i cant add these ringtones wiht picaxe.

also i just found out that with a programmer and a chip (which i have) i can convert it into assembeler and put that on a normall pic. but firts i reeeeaaaaallly need to know how to get the sound
Sorry, I've never used a PICAXE so I can't offer advice on it - but the link I posted above works fine, I've actually tested that, and input different tunes as well.
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