Crazy patents

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Well-Known Member
Now these patents are just funny. Guess you can patent any wild idea.


  • US4344424.pdf
    227.5 KB · Views: 422
  • US4858627.pdf
    559.5 KB · Views: 410
The above mentioned patents are handouts for my class tomorrow, We are discussing patent law, I can't wait to hear the reason the speaker chose these particular patents to discuss. It is for my pharma class, so this should be good...
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A device for controlling exceptionally farting people would be nice! Which group you belongs to: **broken link removed**
They should include a category for the type of person that is innocently exposed to a SBD (silent but deadly) fart from a nearby ignoramus. A bud of mine did that a few times to me when driving on the road. It was so foul that I had to hang my head out the passenger window like a dog! I clearly told him how rude and inexcusable that behavior is, and if it continued, I'd smack him past his next birthday. Well he did it again and I punched him squarely in the chest. That left him coughing instead of farting.
A device for controlling exceptionally farting people would be nice! Which group you belongs to: **broken link removed**

I'm doing this already in a small scale experiment. Every farter in our village carries a small pressure container to release his gases. When the container is full the gas is fed into a liquidizer and used for cooking.

The gas produced is like butane and burns without smoke develpment and a blue flame.

Why waste energy?

Well fart inventions aside.

I had my lecture today on patent law. The speaker was a patent law attorney from Pfizer. The reason he included those funky patents into the lecture was to make a few points about a badly written and unprotected patent. In the case of the Anti-eating mask, he pointed out that in the claims section that it was too detailed. For example in the claims it states, a rigid material to hold mask, or something like that. He told us this was to specific and a device with a non rigid material could be used instead and would not violate patent.

Bottom line here was, the claims section is most important in protecting your patent. You want to make it as broad as possible. Keep the lines of text to a minimum, nothing like that which was done for the face mask which was like 35 lines or so.

We were also told that having a patent does not entirely protect you because if a dominant patent exist that encompasses your patent, then you can still be in violation, so you must be diligent in your patent search to see if your patent may be covered by another patent. It was kinda confusing and sounded like tricky business.

Just thought I would throw that out there for you would be inventors...

BTW, A patent filing in US is about $10,000. for US only. For global coverage your looking at $50k to $100k and you have to pay service fees every few years.
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So, basically, a patent is worthless to the average home inventor, unless has a $100k or so to through away. I mean if you do manage to get a patent, and it gets violates, it'll cost plenty to defend in court, receive a judgment, fight appeals, and actually get a check for damages. It would be tough to fight a manufacturing company that has a lot of experience in copying other peoples work, which seems to be what is taught at the Universities these days (HELP! My project is due Friday, need schematic, and lab report. Thanks...). A legal battle can take years, how many people could afford to ride it out? I've always figured patents were for people already rich, and attorneys (who profit more than their clients).
Getting a patent isn't that hard, defending one requires serious $$$ Effectively useless unless you have some kind of legal backing. Home brew inventors are safer hiding behind Trade Secret laws, but for most inventions that doesn't work because their function is obvious.
Every farter in our village carries a small pressure container to release his gases. When the container is full the gas is fed into a liquidizer and used for cooking.
Interesting... your community must look quite strange and silly with folks walking around holding a container against their ass. Tell me, is it better to drop one's pants to improve collection efficiency or does clothing have little impact on gas cloud diffusion? What about the obese and elderly who cannot reach behind themselves? Does your community employ public servants to collect the valuable energy resource? Converting the collected gas into liquid methane must be an amazing process to witness. Can you explain how your community deals with the release of high CO2 emissions into the atmosphere as a result of methane combustion? The social structure and scientific tenacity of third-world nations is both fascinating and inspiring.
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Checkout some of Microsoft's patents if you want a laugh.

Methane is supposed to be worse for global warming than CO2.

Talking of farting I wonder if they're any Brown's gas related patent. Sorry that was terrible.
Has no one even looked for the true source of global warming?

I bet the sun has alot to do with it!
Get rid of it and there will no longer be any heat source to drive the so called global warming effect!
Interesting... your community must look quite strange and silly with folks walking around holding a container against their ass.

Hi HiTech,

the procedure is much simpler than you assume. The gas container basically consists of a plastic pipe with a check valve.

The pipe is attached to a balloon which is inflated more with every fart.

When the pressure of a new fart is weaker than the pressure inside the balloon the "gas provider" shows up at my lab and gets pressure (and pain)relief.

However the balloon is big enough to store up to one dozen of strong gas charges.

The conversion from gas to liquid is no problem in Thailand. Even factories with high and strongly smoking gas exhausts don't use any filtering. The have used filters for a while and found they clogg up too quickly, so omitting the filters the gases can pass freely.

The smoke travels to Cambodia and Vietnam anyway.

tcmtech the source of global warming is... climate change! OMG the weather doesn't stay the same all the time?! Quick, everyone panic! It's already been determined even if all the man made sources of global warming were completely eliminated that the climate would still be getting warmer, albiet at a slightly slower rate.

Irony here is that the patent service was started to get inventors to share their ideas and teach the world about the idea or invention. This was to promote technology advancement. In exchange for sharing and teaching this new idea or concept, the patent would offer the inventor some protection so that he may profit.

You may be interested to know that a Company can't apply for a patent, only inventors can apply for a patent. So when a company applies for the patent, they submit the application with the designer or designers name. Of course the designer most likely signed a waiver when hired that gives ownership of the patent to the company.

And there are people who would actually reduce civilization to this level! Amazing!
My next question is, what are the citizens of Thailand eating that has them turning into perpetual sources of methane? Interesting on how humans can now be considered a renewable energy source!
My next question is, what are the citizens of Thailand eating that has them turning into perpetual sources of methane? Interesting on how humans can now be considered a renewable energy source!

Thais eat about everything which is digestable. E.g. frogs and crabs are eaten in toto. If a snake isn't careful enough it will end in a farmer's frying pan (this time skinned).

They also eat all kinds of plants, sometimes picked along a road. Cabbage produces most of the gases, also beans and peas.

Further they use lots of onions, garlic and red chili. If the meal isn't hot enough they use natrium-glutamate to amplify the "taste".

Thai food has no taste for common understanding - it's just awefully hot, so hot that every American and European breaks out in hot sweat when eating just one spoon full.

Very much to my surprise the hot stuff won't burn off the a...h..

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