creating hard "off" when voltage rises above certain limit.

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To each his own as the saying goes. Let us know how it works out either way.

There is an pervasive distrust of government and multi national corps. Somehow it has been extended to include scientists and engineers.

If this conspiracy stuff worked and was easy enough to do in your garage you would have all sorts of EE and ME students selling and using it.

But we can do much better then what is currently sold to public: Build a carbon fiber car with a diesel electric power plant. Should get around 60 or 100MPG take off like a sports car and last long enough for auto makers to hate it.
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There is an pervasive distrust of government and multi national corps. Somehow it has been extended to include scientists and engineers.

Don't forget that anyone who has had any real schooling or applied studies of the real sciences are in on it too now which means I apparently work for "the man" too or at least I get accused of it enough on the forums.

So when do I start getting those paychecks for helping him undermine all the over unity and free energy devices?
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ok, I cannot believe that people trust stories rather then taking the effort to watch the machine work.
This is not about people separating from their money, this is about saving money.
When you read the theory behind it in my first post about it you'll see that it IS main stream science.

But as with all skeptics, they don't look at the evidence, they just believe stories and pronounce their misplaced distrust in such a way that it works intimidating.

I hope you realize that we live in a world dominated by money for money and that it all rests on the firmament of fossil oil production.
What would be worse then making front page news of energy that is there for the taking making people independent of companies.

The domination of banks and corporations started in the 16th century when napoleon had lost the war and a rich banker named rothchild decided to do a clever thing: announcing at the stock exchange that he had actually won it. Stock values dived to bottom prices and rothchild was able to buy 98% of government stock.
When shortly after that the real news reached the financial area, that napoleon hadn't won at all, stock prices rose to their normal value and that was the day that the bank, thus money and corporations owned the british government.
britain was the dominant nation in that time, the usa, canada and many more countries where controlled by or originated from.

That nothing had changed appeared in 1961 when, in the that year, two american presidents, Eisenhower an Kennedy warned the public that this world is not ruled by governments but by the military and industrial complex.
Kennedy went a step further and literally mentioned secret societies and conspiracies by name, in the second half of his speech announcing that the press does nothing else then publish deceptive official statements.
YouTube - Kennedy Speech Conspiracy Secret Societies
long version:
**broken link removed**

I recently saw documentary in which the dark practices of the pharmaceutical industry came to light. A few high ranked doctors declared literally that they had been approached by the industry to sell harmful drugs for a lot of money.

The point is that people, no matter what their status is, can be bought or even threatened into selling lies.
That threats work seemed clear when a very high ranked firm and grounded military leader some years ago declared in front of the camera that the entire war in Iraq and Afghanistan was a second Vietnam and that the western world wouldn't stand a change winning it.
The next day, the same man had turned into a an almost shy and scared little boy, making his apologies that he had it all wrong.

Now, the skeptics would believe the story he tells.
But the only thing going through my had was something like, 'what have they done to you, to break you down to the level of total fear to get you to announce things you don't approve of' their was nothing left of the personality of this man which happened overnight.

The point is, the beautiful, working for free energy inventions are literally there for the grasping but the only thing i read is people believing debunking stories, not taking the effort to see that they really fall for the debunk deception with their eyes wide open.
I really cannot place myself in that way of thinking and to my opinion spreading negative stories about these inventions without really investigating that it simply works is very harmful to this society.

My tone isn't pretty i know, but the frustration of people refusing to see what's going on celebrates big time between my ears now.

just watch these, just a very small percentage of what's to see, and if you're not able to see what's there for the taking, relieving your wallet and the environment, well i give up.
I made my decision.

YouTube - STEORN ORBO replication.wmv
YouTube - STEORN ORBO Replication 2.wmv
YouTube - Tesla komt na 100 jaar toch weer om de hoek
YouTube - Free Energy Motors - THE FUELLESS ENGINE
YouTube - The Steorn magnetic motor replication
YouTube - Free Energy Magnet Motor #2
YouTube - Canal de bluelightning77
YouTube - Pulse Motor powered by Enercell 1.2V 2500mAh Ni-MH 'AA' rechargeable battery
YouTube - Steorn Orbo Technology Launch 2009
Dailymotion - Energie Gratuite - The Fuelless Engine - une vid
YouTube - Stan Meyers water powered Buggy
Let's not worry about histroy but focus on what you want and need as to the electrical/electronic aspects of your project. I told you in a previous post I would help you as I can and I am sure some other members will help you as to the technical side of things. I will tell you this, right off the top. You will need a good solid basic understanding of electronic circuits and how they work as well as interface with each other. That or be ready to buy some turn key modules and interface them together.

Now you want to do a power source transfer to a motor at a given RPM how about shgaring the RPM and I give you some suggestions.

Have fun but don't sink your life savings into it. Poor saps have been sinking money into overunity devices for ages and the pseudo science bafflegab is epic. Your posts are typical of all the free energy types, they always get longer and longer and the cover up crap starts often followed by UFO and or religion. They also for some reason believe YouTube videos somehow prove these devices function (they don't, I've seen space battle videos but I don't think it's news footage). No one has ever got more out than in and never will, even our universe is running on borrowed energy.

Whats wrong with sinking your time, effort and money into a renewable energy source? Solar, wind, geothermal even tidal power do work and get their power from that gigantic solar furnace our Sun. You can stick it to the man by setting up a grid tie system and sell your surplus energy back to the power company. Conservation will also reap benefits and there might even be rebates YMMV.

Main stream foolery yes, science no.
The Museum of Unworkable Devices
Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Podcast
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@ blueroomelectronics:

...the cover up crap starts often followed by UFO and or religion.

Actually not long ago I was abducted by a UFO. Before I was able to escape I used my cell phone to get a few pictures of their propulsion systems. Seems the entire craft was powered by the attached image. Incredible as to the capabilities of this tiny device. It was able to control and power their entire ship.



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If something does appear to have a over unity effect its usually because the experimenter does not understand all the potential input energy sources that may be at play.

I have a wonderful over unity device in my house. I put in about 400 watts of electricity and I get around 80,000 BTU's of heat out of it! (So long as I don't take into account the propane gas line attached to it of course.) Thats how every supposed workable over unity device has ever worked so far, just from a poor understanding of what all is an energy source.

By the way, if you spend anything to build any sort of device to capture 'free energy' its no longer 'free' at that point. Odds are when compared to any common energy sources its probably outrageously expensive energy you are getting.
I hope you realize that we live in a world dominated by money for money and that it all rests on the firmament of fossil oil production.

I do realize that, but I also realize that there is a big market for items that really do work and there's not much standing in the way. I don't want to discourage you, however. Tally-ho.

With that out of the way, the voltage across a motor is precisely proportional to the RPM and numerous circuits have used that principle to determine the RPM. I would go with that principle and a reference voltage/comparator circuit for the simplest solution.
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I aoplogise qwerty68. Your original post asked for specific technical help and you deliberately tried to avoid the wasting of time that would be caused by over-unity argument. Unfortunately I started that argument by stating my opinions of Steorn (based on my personal beliefs that they are unsuccessful with over-unity research), that was with the intention of warning you, not because Steorn's behaviour is anything I care about that much anyway... Now that you have stated you already knew about the controversy I apologise for starting something that was not necessary and not helpful.

I respect your desire to experiment with home made magnetics and motors.

To try to answer your original question, one way of doing this without needing complex electronics or microcontrollers is with a drop out relay pair. Similar things were used in industry for a lot of years.

You have a relay with a contact that holds that relay on by powering its own coil. This is the ON relay. You turn it on with a button. Then the second relay is attached to the motor output, and when the output voltage rises high enough it turns relay 2 on, which opens a contact and kills relay 1. Then both relays are now dropped out. And all power is cut off.

You can use a zener diode or transistor to increase the sensitivity of relay 2, and a trimpot will give an adjustable set point. I hope that is more helpful.
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