Creating my Own Amplifier

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New Member
hello all

I am currently in the process of designing my own Amplifier.

Now here is the Issue, i need a volume control for 6 inputs (so the Amp is 5.1 Capable)

now i basically need either a chip or some sort of setup what will control 6 AC input signals, controlled by a single pot.

My idea was to use transistors and vary the base current (NPN) to vary the transistors Resistance (as part of a voltage divider) however the Negative part of the signal was not effected

so to summarize all i need is 6 inputs to be controlled by a single DC input via a pot, what then effects the output of the "Black Box"

any questions please ask me if i have not made myself fully crystal clear.

thanks in advance
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You need to use digital pots, controlled by a microcontroller - or find a six gang control.
The Xicor X9514 is a digital pot that operates with a couple of push-buttons to control volume up/down. They can be ganged. Also look at their app note AN49. E
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