You do not know the value of the bass volume control. It might be 10k, 50k or 100k.
The bass volume control is probably fed from a series capacitor to block DC. The value of the capacitor is selected to pass bass frequencies to the value of the bass volume control. You must look along the pcb wiring to see the coupling capacitor's value that is feeding the bass volume control.
If you use a 10k ohms log volume control and you want good bass down to 40Hz (the little woofer can't go that low), then the capacitor value must be at least 0.39uF (390nF). If the original bass volume control was 100k then uses a 0.039uF (39nF) coupling capacitor but you use a 10k bass volume control with this capacitor then there will be no bass. If the coupling capacitor value is 0.1uF (100nF) then a 10k bass volume control will produce very weak bass.